Thursday 14 April 2011

Well goodness me! It's getting closer to our first event! The Asda Three Peaks is on the 20th May (for all those thinking of joining there's still time) and not too long after that the Jane Tomlinson Run for All is on 19th June, and finishing with another Three Peaks for Marie Curie on 2nd July. So I figured I best get myself into gear, and what better way than by getting some new running shoes!

As you can see the trainers are still a bit bright and shiny, I am working on that, just the weather been so wonderful not been running in wet muddy puddles!! ahem tis true honest.

I have also enlisted the help of Mr Punchy

Mr Punchy gives me a good all round workout combining strength and muscle building with cardio. I also incorporate some kickboxing into my punch bag workout. Giving my legs a good workout and I like kicking butt !! Though technically Mr Punchy is buttless.

I have been a little remiss with workouts this week  as I have this as a distraction

This is Helo he is a little too young to join Team Chester this year, but I'm sure he will be up for any future challenges!